1000 Yard Shoot

The shoot is scheduled for May 27th and 28th 2023!

History Behind the Shoot

The 1000 yard shoot originated from a bet between four (4) gentlemen in 1974. One stating that a .303 British rifle with iron sight and factory ammunition could be used to hit a target at 1000 yards. The others disagreed and said that it wouldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.

The shooter persuaded a couple of local gun enthusiasts into setting up a .303 rifle. After testing several .303’s, one was selected and outfitted with a good aperture sight. Five boxes of ammunition later the rifle was sighted in and finally ready to go.

In the early spring of 1975, the first 1000 yard shoot took place on Decker Lake, where a 4’x4′ target was set up on the ice. He shot five (5) rounds with three (3) hitting the target. Thus proving the validity of his statement. The 1000 yard shoot has continued annually ever since. In memory of the first shoot, there is an off hand shoot at a 4’x4′ target with a special prize awarded.

Over the years the event has changed locations throughout the area. It is now held at the approved range on the Tweedsmuir Park Rod & Gun Club’s property located at approximately 3km on the Babine Lake Road in Burns Lake, B.C.

The average attendees have increased over the years to 50+ competitors. Rain, snow or shine this shoot has been a great attraction with competitors coming from as far away as the United States, Victoria and Whitehorse to the closer communities of Prince George, Houston, Smithers, Terrace, Fraser Lake, Endako and Burns Lake. In 1998 after completing the building of the range, it was named “Thompson & Waldron Range” in honour of the two shooters who spent years getting permission to build the range.

This annual 1,000 yard shoot is held the last weekend in May. It was a single day event for years until the interest shown, prompted the Rod & Gun to turn it into a two day event, complete with overnight parking and campsites. There is also a supper and breakfast, as well as lunch concession provided by the Tweedsmuir Park Rod & Gun Club volunteers throughout the weekend.

The club encourages people of all ages to come and join in on the event and are always looking those interested compete, it is especially great to see juniors attend.  Ask any enthusiast attending, they would be more than happy to say how great this event truly is.

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